SOM (SimulationS Of Math)

Proje hakkında

The elementary mathematics lesson requires the concrete-to-abstract education principle as required by the age of students. Today's technological developments provide great opportunities for teachers in this sense. In this project we want to actively use GeoGebra, mobile applications and web2 tools in elementary school mathematics education.

ilk öğretim matematik dersi öğrencilerin yaşı gereği somuttan soyuta eğitim prensibini gerektirir. Günümüzdeki teknolojik gelişmeler öğretmenlere bu anlamda büyük imkanlar sunmaktadır. Bu projede özellikle GeoGebra , mobil uygulamalar ve web2 araçlarını ilkokul matematik eğitiminde aktif olarak kullanmak istiyoruz., öğretmenlere, Öğrencilere karmaşık gelen soyut matematiksel kavramları somut hale getiren araçları tanıtmak, ders işlenişlerinde aktif olarak kullanmak, öğretmenler arasında bu konudaki bilgi birikimini paylaşmak için bu projeyi oluşturduk.


Our project aims to recognizing and using the web2 tools according to their level to the students starting from 1st Grade Primary School. Consequently;
To use web tools effectively in mathematics classes based on the principle of sharing knowledge among teachers,
To introduce to young students and to enable them to use this tool effectively in mathematics in the future.
By making mathematics concrete from the abstract state with speculative manipulation, to make the students easier to understand and learn mathematics
To use the mobile applications in mathematics education to channel students' internet time to education.
Making mathematics fun,
To make the introduction and sharing of the application related to the gains in the primary curriculum
We want to make the Web2 tools active for teachers and students.


Our project will start in October. In November, students will actively start working.
Joint acceptance to the project, project start-up surveys, the project operation to the partners and presentation of the tools to be used with webinars, promotion and dissemination activities.
NOVEMBER NATURAL NUMBERS related mobile applications
Fun math (natural numbers)
Introducing to teachers
Logo, Poster tools, (geometric drawings using in math class)
Arithmetic operations with mobile applications
Fun Math (Arithmetic)
JANUARY Spatial relations (applications specifying direction .. (coding)
Applications including symmetry
Fun Mathematics (Spatial Relations)
FEBRUARY Patterns with Gegebra
Patterns with mobile applications
Patterns with Fun Math
MARCH Geometric shapes with Gegebra-Geometric objects
Geometry with mobile applications
Geometry with Fun Math
APRIL Fractions with Gegebra, mobile applications


An ebook, web page, which compiles the tools of seperative manipulation according to the Mathematics Course Areas
booklet introducing web2 tools that reinforce mathematical skills.
compilation of videos about mathematics games.



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